This blog is my first draft of my social media campaign, I have used my laptop to create this page so they layout does look slightly different to when the social media page is shown on a iPhone. I have only posted three post so far but will continue to add to my campaign. I have tried to use the same colour palette to link the post together.
This is the main page, It shows the profile picture and bio. In the bio I have just created a short overview of my documentary and what my campaign is about. I have carefully selected the post in this order to try and tell the viewers a story. And give them an insight into my documentary.
This post is a image of my grandmother looking out of her window giving the feeling of entrapment due to the virus. It is overplayed by the Name of my documentary to try and advertise the documentary. I have captioned it with a short summary of the documentary to try and engage the audience. I have used the #TheLostGeneration
This post is a still image taken form my documentary, It shows the representations of the older generation showing there venerability. I have captioned the post with a light hearted joke 'Hold on to your walking sticks, realise date pending'. I have used this light hearted gag to appeal to my target audience and to show the documentary is not all sad and serious.
This post shows My grandad who features in the documentary as a young man enjoying his life with his friends and family. This is far form reality now and is all a distance memory. This is an archived picture which does follow the codes and conventions of the documentary genre. It also allows my target audience to form a person relation with the people in the documentary.
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